Anytime we want to access or make a research on the internet and browse a website or webpage, definitely Wi-Fi or data connection must be active. Do you know you can get information or browse through an entire website or webpage while completely offline or internet disabled? The answer Is Yes. In this tutorial I will show you how to copy an entire website or webpage for offline usage. There are quite a number of software that can perform this operation, in this tutorial we will use HTTRACK.
copy website using httrack

HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.

HTTRACK is easy and user friendly and another thing good about httrack you can cancel the mirroring process at anytime and you will be able to load the downloaded/mirrored webpage at your own convenience without internet connection.

How to Browse an entire website or webpage while offline using HTTRACK

Download HTTRACK from this link, it's available for any platform Download HTTRACK

Open the zip file, locate WinHTTRACK.exe double click to run it.

HTTRACK homepage will display, click Next

On the next page, New Project Name and Project Category fill both with any name, click Next

Action: select "download web site (s)" from the drop down arrow, in case you have already downloaded the webpage and you want to update, click "update existing page".

Click Add Url to add the url link, click ok

Click Set Options then un-tick Use Proxy for Ftp transfer, click Ok

Click Next, then click Finish

HTTRACK will start mirroring the site into your computer

Like I said earlier, you can cancel the process at anytime to access the already mirrored content.

Click Finish

To locate the copied / mirrored contents, click File at the top left corner then click Browse Sites

The copied content will be displayed base on the name you assign to the project.

That's all, Enjoy browsing offline, and don't forget to share.